Category: Books
Book Podcast: Fast Food Genocide
As I talk about in Presentation I: We are eating many things that humans have never eaten in history. What are the results? Is Genocide too strong a word? I’ll let Dr. Fuhrman explain. Download Audio TRANSCRIPT All right, diving in today, we’ve got some pretty intense material. All about fast food and…
Book: Don’t Believe Everything You Think
How do your thoughts imprison you? How can you escape? Listen to this podcast for answers. Download Audio Transcript Hey there, fellow deep divers. Welcome to our deep dive into Don’t Believe Everything You Think. I think we’re all constantly bombarded with messages about positive thinking and self-improvement. But this book, it offers a…
Books on Body Electronics (And a Few Websites)
There are precious few books ever written about Body Electronics. It’s even harder to find them because the term “Body Electronics” brings up so many things nowadays that are body/electronic interfaces like Musk’s Neural Link. Nonetheless, I can share what I have found for your perusal. There were only two people that I can find…
Book: “Flood Your Body with Oxygen” – Oxygen Therapy
OXYGEN! We take it for granted! But how important is it? And can more heal things we don’t even suspect? That’s what this book is about. What do you think? Link to Download Podcast TRANSCRIPT We’re going to be exploring the world of oxygen therapies. Oh yeah. With our guide, Ed McCabe and…
Book Summary: Full Catastrophe Living
This was one of the first books on “Mindful Healing” that my friend Mitsuko ever recommended to me. (Thank you, Mitsuko!) Jon speaks of pain clinics using mindfulness with amazing results…reducing pain and also healing. Not through avoiding the pain, but by *mindfully accepting and feeling* it. Avoiding, numbing oneself, and running from pain may not be…