Category: Nutrition

  • Book: Lies I taught in Medical School

    Yet another book where the doctor criticizes the current industrial medical models. 🙂 “How Conventional Medicine Is Making You Sicker and What You Can Do to Save Your Life” – Love the subtitle! How the Gov’t subsidizes the corn industry to fill foods with high fructose corn syrup. How finances control what scientists say. How…

  • Book: Anatomy of an Illness by Norman Cousins

    What effect does positivity have on health? How do we maximize the placebo effect? When should you listen to your own intuition, even if it contradicts what you hear from your “licensed health care provider”? Cousins explains what he did. [Download Audio]   TRANSCRIPT Into Anatomy of an Illness as Perceived by the Patient. This…

  • Book: Enzyme Nutrition

    We don’t hear a lot about enzymes nowadays. But just how important are they for our wellness? This is one of a few books that dives deep into this topic. [Download Audio]   TRANSCRIPT Welcome to our deep dive today. We’re going to be exploring a book you brought to the table. It’s called Enzyme…

  • Book: Electrical Nutrition Explained

    Your body is electrical. We know that. You need iron. You need ELECTRO-lytes so your brain and muscles can work. But, how does your food work into all that? That’s what the book Electrical Nutrition is about. Turns out, enabling your body to process what you eat electrically is very important. [Download Audio]   TRANSCRIPT…

  • Book: Lies My Doctor Told Me

    Another deep book about nutrition from someone else who tells you that you may not be able to trust your doctor. [Download Audio]   TRANSCRIPT Welcome to this deep dive. Today we’re going to be looking at this book by Dr. Ken Berry, Lies My Doctor Told Me. And it’s interesting because it’s written by…

  • Book: Dead Doctors Don’t Lie by Joel Wallach

    One of the first books I read about physical health and healing. This was what got me on my start to find natural healing in so many ways. Download Audio   TRANSCRIPT We’re talking dead doctors don’t lie today. Oh yeah, Dr. Joel Wallach. That’s the one. So his theory, right, he thinks pretty much…

  • Book Podcast: Fast Food Genocide

    As I talk about in Presentation I: We are eating many things that humans have never eaten in history. What are the results? Is Genocide too strong a word? I’ll let Dr. Fuhrman explain.   Download Audio   TRANSCRIPT All right, diving in today, we’ve got some pretty intense material. All about fast food and…