Category: Body Electronics

  • Book: Logic in Sequence I by John Whitman Ray

    There is no image for this book, because there is no cover, that I can find. In fact, I barely was able to even find a copy on the net through diligent search. But it’s one of the deepest books I have ever opened, in many ways. Everyone says the healing that you are doing…

  • Book: “Waking the Tiger” from Peter Levine

    Why isn’t talk therapy enough? How do we heal trauma? Peter Levine is the author of “Waking the Tiger”, and also the creator of Somatic Experiencing–a method to release trauma from the body. Highly recommended. Download Audio   TRANSCRIPT All right, diving right in, folks, we’re taking you deep into Peter A. Levine’s Waking the…

  • Books on Body Electronics (And a Few Websites)

    There are precious few books ever written about Body Electronics. It’s even harder to find them because the term “Body Electronics” brings up so many things nowadays that are body/electronic interfaces like Musk’s Neural Link. Nonetheless, I can share what I have found for your perusal. There were only two people that I can find…

  • About John Whitman Ray

    Honestly, I know very little about John Whitman Ray (1943-2001). Posting here what little could be found about him based upon the documents which are online. If anyone has any further information (including cause of death??), I would be happy to expand this page. “John Whitman Ray has been acknowledged many areas as a Master…

  • Body Electronics Pressure Points (By John Whitman Ray)

    BODY ELECTRONICS PRESSURE POINTS  Written and compliled by Dr John Whitman Ray N.D., M.D. (M.A.) The following are points on the human body that may be sequentially held for maximum benefit. It would be appropriate that an Iris-Sclera Integrated Analysis be obtained first that suggested priorities may be established and specific problems may be attended…