Are You Getting Sicker?

Things were Bad (Healthwise)


Do you have the feeling you just get sicker and sicker, though you do your best to heal?

Do you lack energy and not know how to ‘turn it back up/on’ again?

Do you feel you are aging prematurely?

I don’t need to tell you that almost all of us all getting sicker every year.

What’s the way out?

I want to talk to you about:

  1. Why we are so sick.
  2. Why many of us aren’t getting better
  3. Why “conventional” and even alternative methods are not enough
  4. A new discovery that leverages the power of community (and other elements) to heal at much deeper levels, much more quickly

And I want to invite you to a free webinar series where I will explain how you can, if you are courageous, access levels of healing that seem miraculous.

Ok. Here we go.


I had just bit down on a cookie…hard and there was a rock inside.


Another piece of tooth broke off–the second one this month!

I rubbed my tongue against the new sharp edge. I added it to the long list of health issues I faced.

Is this really how it’s supposed to be?

I was never a healthy kid, and I have visited more than my share of doctors for everything from sinus infections to weird teeth issues.

And, not only didn’t I find healing there, more often than not, but they often made things worse.

Though I didn’t put 2+2 together for awhile.

Little by little, my faith in ‘the system’ waned, and I knew I had to find something else–doctors just couldn’t cure me!

But all we have are doctors, right? Thirty years ago when my healing journey began in earnest, that appeared to be the case.

I didn’t know any ‘alternative healers’. I had never heard of energy healing, reiki, family constellations, encounter groups, meditation practices, Ayurveda, traditional Chinese medicine or holistic healers.

Our only solution for “alternative” healing…beyond the industrial/technological medical system was to receive ‘ministry from the Elders’ of the church for healing, which we took advantage of often, but never felt particularly poignant or effective.

So, for some health issues, I just…gave up. Accepted them.

“This is just how it is. I just have to deal with it,” I thought.

How I Found Another Path to Healing

Until one day, my boss at work described a group of people gathering to heal emotional issues. “Family Constellation” he called it.

At the constellation (which was itself mind-blowing), I met a reiki master.

All of a sudden, a completely different universe of possible healing methods opened to me. Back then, it was all fringe, now many of these are accepted and integrated into standard medical practices.

With these new friends and healers, I began, at last, to find some relief, by changing my perspective on so many things and taking radical responsibility for my own body and health.

That made life doable for years. And I was doing much better than my youth.

But it wasn’t enough.

But, the Symptoms Keep on Coming

Despite spending a small fortune on healing of all kinds…doctors, therapists…alternative healers, some things just seemed to… keep… getting… worse….

As I approached 50, the maladies were beginning to stack up again, faster than I could get rid of them through my diet, exercise, and supplementation regimen and meditation practices.

Now what?

The future didn’t look any better, either.

Every time I call my mom, almost 75, she tells me how she and her friends sit around and complain about their ailments and compare notes.

This isn’t how I want to spend the next 30 years!

This isn’t even how I want to spend the next year!

  • Hurting all the time
  • Adding symptoms on a semi-regular basis
  • Going to doctor after doctor for the latest hi-tech health fix (which will just delay ‘the inevitable’ at best) OR EVEN
  • Visiting my best natural healers for their magnificent skills–they still cost a lot of money! And it wasn’t going fast enough. Would I have to spend more? Visit more? What was it going to take??

What is going to fix it?

I was tired of ADDING symptoms to my list, instead of getting healthier, year for year.

Was this just aging?

Was it natural? Unavoidable?

We definitely know it’s normal in our society.

But why?

Is There a Way out (of Sickness?)


The body is a miracle. The fact we get to spend our lives in one and we see so many around us doesn’t make it any less of a miraculous construction.

It is naturally self-repairing. If you had a table that repaired itself, that table would last forever. Or at least, a very long time.

If our natural healing and restoration systems worked fully, could we actually become immortal? Or live MUCH longer and with far greater health?

And, if so, how would we get there? What would it require? And would I be willing or able to do that?

If it’s NOT meant to be this way, what was I supposed to do?

Was some amount of chronic physical illness and discomfort just a permanent feature of life, unavoidably? Or was there more?

Since finding alternative healing, I was always on the lookout. Always trying new things.

For some reason, I didn’t want to accept things ‘as they are’.

I Made a [SHOCKING] Discovery

Sometimes, in the most unlikely of moments, you discover something that changes everything.

While surfing the web in the early 2000’s, looking for some other solution to my continual teeth problems besides “Drill, fill, and (most importantly!) bill“, I discovered miraculous claims about a relatively unknown healing modality…actually, an entire healing system.

There were a lot of the usual healing claims. But one jumped out at me.

Cavities healing in hours? To the point where fillings would sometimes just pop out of your teeth as they grew from the inside??

Now, I’ve been involved with energy healing for two decades, and I have seen my share of impressive healings. But, I had never found something that even claimed it could actually heal your teeth. My interest was piqued.

But, I was incredulous. I’m a realist. I know there is no free lunch. I know that amazing things are possible. I know of people who have cured diabetes, cancer, and all sorts of incurable modern illnesses using alternative means.

Their stories are everywhere (when they aren’t censored).

But, the monopoly corporate medical industrial complex writes them off as ‘spontaneous remissions’ with ‘no medical explanation’ and goes on prescribing and cutting, often without really exploring how these remissions happen and why.

This web site had all kinds of intense healing practices on it, ancient and modern.

Things we would never consider doing now for healing (like getting sprayed by a firehose or bathing in a chili peppers/hot mustard bath!). <!– The author said, “Yes. I know that these sound extreme. But, I am guessing these practitioners considered death even more extreme…”

Don’t worry: I’m not recommending those things. (But they do sound fascinating…the one with the chili peppers and mustard? The claim is that an artificial fever is induced and the patient must be kept covered with wet sheets, which turn various dark colors as all the poisons of the body are sweated out…just imagining it…). –>

But back to this system I found, which had the dumbest name of any healing modality: Body Electronics. <!–

The thing I remembered reading about this particular system is that it would heal the cavities right out of your mouth!. In real time.

As in, you pushed a certain point, and boop! your fillings would just pop out…because the tooth was growing from the inside.

Now, I know this sounds crazy. I thought so, too. –>

I couldn’t find any more information about it, life happened. I moved on. But I never forgot about that page.

Are Our Teeth the Canary in the Coal Mine?

As the years passed, and as my teeth (and other places) had more and more issues, I occasionally found fascinating stories about dental healing…after all, if teeth were like bones and bones can heal, why not teeth? Why do we just drill them, pull them out, and finally replace them with titanium and ceramic? Is there another way?

Eventually, I was able to find stories about people growing three or even FOUR sets of teeth in a lifetime. Crazy? Or could it be??? If we do it twice before the age of 12, why can’t we do it again, later?

As I said, miraculous healings happen every day.

Cancer remissions.

Autism cures.

You won’t read about them in the newspaper or see them on CNN because they usually aren’t good for business. And, let’s be honest: health care is primarily a for-profit concern in our country.

The corporations and insurance companies that run health care (and their shareholders) are definitely concerned about profits! Does it sometimes come at the expense of healing?

And, if they are all about the money…what now?

Are we their slaves? Are we destined to dance to the beat of their drums forever? Swallowing more and more pills as we age, getting operation after operation until we die? or, is something else possible?

Is the greatest healing to be found in sterile waiting rooms listening to elevator music and reading old women’s magazines?

Is getting sick “something that happens to us” that we go to the doctor to ‘have fixed’?

Or, is there something more we can do for our health and healing?

And, the most radical idea: is there something we ALL can do to help each other heal??.

Is Group Healing Possible?

In my 20-year+ journey of seeking and learning about healing, a few of the most dramatic episodes jump out at me: and those were the ones that involved a group.

It’s true.

Most of my most miraculous healing experiences, whether I was the blessed recipient or supporting someone else…involved at least three people. Sometimes a whole room full, focused on healing.


Because, humans, like it or not, are probably a lot less like wolves or bears and a lot more like bees or ants than we want to admit.

We are social creatures. We only accomplish the greatest things together.

Think about it: how much of your life is connected to others? Almost everything I will do today is only possible because other people made it possible…somehow.

And almost everything I think and feel and say (or don’t!) is because of those around me: What is acceptable? What is good? What is right?

What does my family think? My friends?

That can be a good thing. But often, we don’t fully utilize the power of others in…well, anything!

Look at the marvelllous creations of humans through the millennia. Were they done by one guy, or was it a cooperative endeavor?

How about your favorite movie? How many people collaborated on that do you see in the credits?

A lot.

When humans collaborate, the results are miraculous.

“Competition [may be] the law of the jungle, but cooperation is the law of civilization.” — Peter Kropotkin


How many of us feel…alone? In our healing journeys? Our financial journey? Even our relational journeys?

A lot of people are feeling quite alone, even if someone is next to them in bed most nights.

And yet, human connection and social support is the NUMBER ONE indicator of positive healing outcomes and longevity! According to one study, having no support network or close friends was worse for your health than smoking an entire pack of cigarettes a day! Imagine that!

And yet, what does our society do when people get sick? We just all practiced “social distancing”…while KNOWING that that VERY distance is what weakens people’s immune systems in the first place!

So, it’s not just less healthy to feel alone, it’s less healthy to be alone in the first place.

My entire health journey has been mostly just me, looking for answers, going to experts, trying to learn more, and trying to be disciplined about the things I learn.

It’s been a tough battle.

Can You Have a Team to Support Your Healing?

How many of us feel like we have a team to support us in our healing?

And would we even create that team?

And why does having a team make healing so much more effective?

The most successful healer of all had 12 disciples with him. Why? If he was so powerful…was that even necessary? Or was the combined power of the energy, focus, and belief of the consciousness of the group necessary for healing?

Jesus often said, “Your faith has made you whole…”, indicating that it wasn’t even just his powers alone that made miracles happen.

I believe that we need others to heal. And, we probably need more than just a lover or partner–as wonderful as those are–to become all we can be and to heal best. We need community.

Body Electronics is one of the few healing systems that has a healthy community aspect that supports healing built-in. It says it’s required. And I believe that.

Regaining community

I lost the community of my youth…a religious one…once I stopped believing what they believed. That’s how it works.

That community paid lip service to miraculous healing, but, truth be told, I never really saw much.

I’ve seen a lot more since then. But it still…isn’t enough. Most all of us are suffering from something. I can’t even imagine my body at optimal health. I don’t think I’ve ever experienced that.

And, what would a happy, healthy, fully vibrant community look like?

That is what I am ready to explore.

Why is a Healing System Necessary?

Anyway, back to this modality. Or system, rather.

I say system because it encompasses so many elements:

  • Nutrition
  • Acupressure
  • Community
  • Mindset and awareness

… it recognizes that healing is, of necessity, whole-istic. We are a system within our systems. Our body is a system. Our society is a series of systems. And we have our own social systems within that system.

I am convinced to heal that we need a healing system. One that incorporates every aspect of our being. Not just a therapist. Or a supplement. Or a technique.

No, it has to cover every element of life.

At its core, you can’t heal the mind without healing the body. And you can’t heal the body without healing the mind. It’s all connected.

And, optimal health is a continual set of habits and practices–which have become quite challenging in our society. It’s not something that you can just ‘jaunt off to the doctor’ for once a week or once a month.

An optimal healing system SHOULD:

  1. Enrich every part of life.
  2. Deepen your relational connections
  3. Bring more emotional support into your life
  4. Offer to support every element of living as it
  5. Fosters natural healing processes.

Getting a massage is a boost.

Starting a new supplement is a boost.

Taking a vacation is a boost.

But, seldom do these result in true, deep, long-term healing.


Because deep healing, of necessity, impacts all portions of our body, emotions, and mind.

Change is difficult. And healing is change. They are called ‘growing pains’ for a reason.

If we are unwell, it’s usually not just “that one thing” we are doing sub-optimally, but a whole rat’s nest of nutritional, emotional, energetic, and even spiritual attitudes and habits that are interconnected and hold us at a certain level that need resolving.

This is why I laugh when anyone promises that their system will change some big aspect of your life, “I’ll make you a millionaire! I’ll find you the man/woman of your dreams!”. Because, how could they possibly know you deeply enough to know everything that needs to change for you to get there?

….which is why a community is so valuable and why true healing and change most often happen in our deepest, most intimate relationships. When we are truly seen, mirrored, held and valued deeply enough, we can get to those hard-to-reach places inside that are those stubborn traumas and pains that hold us back from true healing…and release them.

Healing is a team sport.*

The Most Powerful Healing System You Have Never Heard OF

So, how does this system work?

And why have you never heard of it?

It is barely known, for a lot of reasons. As Chesterton says, “The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult; and left untried.”

― G.K. Chesterton

And, as I have sniffed around, I have found a few groups, a few workshops dedicated to this. But not many. Doubtless those who are practicing were students of the Founder.

But, the experiences and practices I have had with it make me want to shout about it from the rooftops. So I am.

It deserves more popularity. And healing is your birthright.

Most importantly, I envision and desire a powerful community supporting us both in getting the deepest, most powerful healing we can.

I’ve been thinking about how to do that. And, to be honest, dragging my feet a bit, scared about what I am about to bite off.


THEREFORE…I am offering a FREE, 5-hour webinar series about physical healing, where we will dive deeply into why we are all so sick and what to do about it. It will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10AM Pacific time starting November 12th. You can receive the replay if you can’t attend in person.

I will talk about why we are sick as a society and individuals.

Why it is so hard to get better.

And, at the end, I will make a case for applying this new system together to find deep healing communally.

If you want to join us for the webinars, just put your email into the box that I will put into the comments to sign up and I will send you information about it.

We start Tuesday.

I look forward to having you there with us! No matter where you stand, I want to hear your questions and comments and for you to decide if this might be something to support you on your own healing journey as well.

All my love. Ryan Orrock

  • I will state one possible exception, just because it is there, and that is solitude. Change can happen in deep, meditative solitude, but, in those instances, it can be argued that you are with yourself as the external mirror and the Divine…so there is a small quorum dedicated to healing, even there. But that just as an aside.


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